Comfort for Today, Hope for Tomorrow
A brain injury can happen anytime, anywhere to anyone. Brain Injuries do not discriminate. An injury that happens in an instant can bring a lifetime of physical, cognitive and behavior challenges and early, equal adequate access to care will greatly increase overall quality of life. Tennessee has approximately 6,000 individuals hospitalized each year from a traumatic brain injury. These numbers do not include those who are treated and released from the emergency room and do not include acquired brain injuries from strokes, tumors, brain bleeds, or other causes.

Location of Office
CABIA is dedicated to providing the highest quality of services in order to prevent and increase the awareness of brain injuries and to achieve optimal outcomes for brain injury survivors. Further, we are committed to advocating on behalf of brain injury survivors and their family members in order for them to achieve the highest quality of life.

Chattanooga Area Brain Injury Association works to increase awareness of the "silent epidemic" of brain injury. This includes presentations in the community and implementation of programs that address brain injury topics and prevention.
Chattanooga Area Brain Injury Association is committed to supporting brain injury survivors throughout their journey of recovery. This component involves formulating solutions and advocating for the survivor of brain injury in any way we can.
Chattanooga Area Brain Injury Association has a wealth of information to offer survivors and their families who have been impacted by a traumatic brain injury. This includes information about brain injuries and issues related to the adjustments that often need to be made throughout the survivor's recovery. We provide referrals to qualified services, and can assist individuals to apply for things such as social security, housing, and transportation.
Send an email to the Chattanooga Area Brain Injury Association to receive valuable information and updates about our services. CABIA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit tax-exempt organization with federal tax ID #62-1742964 who seeks to make a difference for those 5.3 million Americans living with a brain injury disability.